Is Psychotherapy for crazy people?

Psychological issue or challenge is a spectrum. There is the heavier side and the lighter. The more serious ones would be those experiencing major depression, suicidal ideation, psychosis, etc., which need a whole team of professionals to provide care. The lighter ones could be a life challenge, transition, relationship, etc. As human beings, no one is perfect and happy all the time. The fact of life is that it is full of challenges, and sometimes these obstacles can bring us into a deep hole. When that happens, some support may be needed for us to figure things out, learn some skill, find ways to be with the emotion and tell stories, which may be accompanied by tears and laughter. Therefore, therapy is for all people, and it does not mean that you are crazy if you are seeing a therapist. And you do not need to wait till the last moment to ask for help. Life is always evolving. Sometimes maybe a little push and a little pull would bring out a different light and offer greater joy in life. 

How long does the treatment/ process take?

It depends on the agreement/contract between the client and the therapist. In the very first session, the therapist and client will define the presenting issue and the goals of the therapy. Therefore, depending on the nature of what the client is asking from therapy, the time may look very different.

Do all the wounding and pain go away with therapy?

In the process of therapy, clients go through the step of awareness, emotional release, skill-building, and growth. When reaching a certain level of growth, clients would have greater control and relationship with the wounds. It does not mean that the wounding experience is forgotten or magically made disappear, but rather it is brought into the awareness of the client where the wounds can no longer impede the person in his/her/their life. It is like having a physical injury. When you have a cut, it heals but leaves a mark. Sometimes it may hurt, but you know why and have the capacity to face it and not let it affect you. It is the same with psychological wounding. You would not be able to go back in time as if nothing happened, but once you have gone through the process of exploration and skill-building, you will be able to strip this experience of its power and gain greater strength. And just like physical wounds, the psychological scars would no longer hold any authority against you or act as obstacles of your life flourishing. Such is the healing of psychotherapy. Not about forgetting but removing the monstrous mask of this experience and establish a new relationship and meaning.

Should I do something in the session?

There is nothing you need to do in the session specifically. It is the responsibility of the therapist. The therapist may invite you to engage in some exploration or intervention, but you always have the right to stay centered and respond authentically, whether you want to do it or not. So if there is one thing to do in a session, it will be to be yourself.

Would anyone know about my stuff?

Confidentiality is the most sacred foundation in the therapeutic journey. So it will not be shared and only be recorded as notes to track progress. The files would be stored in double protected storage only accessible by the therapist. The exceptions to confidentiality are mainly due to either identified harm to oneself and/or others and court demand.

What will I get out of therapy?

It will depend on the contract or the therapeutic goal established in the beginning or throughout the relationship. It may be behavior goals, mental and emotional state stability, improved relationship, personal growth, higher confidence and esteems, etc. Ultimately is will be learning more about oneself and create the life and relationship that one desires.

Can I bring someone with me to the session? Or pets?

If it is an individual session, then it is a no. Unless it is for special reasons such as medical, special needs, or someone crucial at the current stage of therapy, then exceptions can be made. If it is a couple or family therapy, of course, you can bring the essential figures to be in the therapy room. For pets, unless it serves a special purpose, then it is not allowed in the room.